Are you a Worrier or a W.A.R.R.I.O.R. of Change?
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,
not on fighting the old, but on building the new"
- Socrates
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "the only constant in life is change". With rapidly emerging new technologies, the rise of remote working or broken supply chain operations impacting businesses worldwide, his words have never felt more relevant than today.
Furthermore, extensive research has proven that 70 to 75% of all significant change efforts in people and organisations fail! Why? Because they often fail to take the holistic approach required to see the change through.
When people genuinely invest in a change, it's 30% more likely to succeed. By following the seven-step process outlined in this powerful talk, you can avoid failure and maximise the potential for success by learning how to Adapt, Adopt and become Adept at change.
"We can manage not all change,
but we can master our infinite response to change" - Paul Bellard
These are times of fantastic opportunities to grow, thrive and become more fabulous than ever before. Human beings are masters of adapting to change. We have to make a few new distinctions, a big reason why to adapt and learn how. 'WARRIOR of Change' is the "How"!
'WARRIOR' is an acronym for the seven simple steps to sustainable success'.
It is a perpetual, continual and never-ending improvement cycle. It deals with the range of reactions, responses and strategies available to use in all kinds of change, both personal and organisational:
Types of Change
Personal Change
- Unplanned Personal change: Accident or injury, Lose your Business or job, your spouse leaves you.
- Planned Personal Change: You quit your job to start a business, you leave your spouse, or decide to get fit.
Organisational Change:
- Developmental change:
Adjustments to business procedures, such as how employees request time off.
- Transitional change:
When an organisation changes its operations, such as adopting new software that employees will have to learn how to use.
- Transformational changes:
A major shift in business strategies.
No matter which kind of change - All change results in a wide range of reactions, from doubts, discomfort to distress, and if the response to change is not managed, fear, overwhelm and self-sabotage hits, we quit. Or if results don't come quickly enough, we feel despondent and revert back to the old norms.
It's the same for everyone; no one escapes the neurological wiring of our brains!
All change-challenge requires different levels of intervention, from awareness, understanding, coaching or training, and an Inspiring keynote talk is the beginning of your change-challenge breakthrough.
‘If you are growing then
fear will always be around you.
Make friends with it’.
Dr Susan Jeffers PhD
Finally, an understanding that change is inevitable, and when change challenges hit, it does not mean failure, especially when striving to be more and have more. There is no quick fix or rapid route to successful outcomes.
Success is earned through consistently applied discipline, essential habits, and positive choices over time.
With the seven principles made clear and straightforward, attendees leave with a sense of reassurance, clarity and belief that they can become warriors of any change challenge that comes along, go on to achieve extraordinary success—and have the knowledge to get started immediately.
60-90 minute keynote
W.A.R.R.I.O.R of Change
How to embrace change, and become resilient using
seven simple steps for sustainable success.
We explain that there are two kinds of change, planned and unplanned. The latter is what people refer to as 'things going wrong'.
Speaker and High-performance Coach Paul Bellard draws from his extraordinary success journey and all he has learned over twenty years of change, challenge and growth, then blends it into seven simple success strategies every achiever needs to know, practice, and master.
Paul outlines the seven foundational steps to achieve a mindset that adapts and adopts to change, triggers unused resourcefulness and leads to organised plans for recovery and significant success.
How to maintain focus on your 'What' and your 'Why' during times of change.
Discover how 'Acceptance' of 'what is' leads to the Ability to Adapt to change and Adopt new thinking, new habits, new processes until you are Adept at handling change.
Develop your inner Resourcefulness and gather external Resources to help create the incredible power of momentum!
Believe it so that you'll see it!
Unleash the untapped power of your Imagination.
How to produce an Organised plan to get started immediately!
Review, Revise, your plan and Respond and Reject.
Notice what works and what does not. Treat obstacles and setbacks as a feedback loop to help redefine your What, and Why.
Email Sarah [Executive P.A.]
For more information, or to arrange a call back:
Book a Discovery Call
The best way to discover and understand the difference we can make to you is by having a real conversation.
Go ahead and book a no obligation discovery call with Paul using the online calendar link below: